Saturday, September 11, 2004

Rating systems invented in the past few days: (Julie and Kate, plus my name):


- the rate of deliciousness vs. time.

In this system, the time take to prepare a food versus how tasty it is is compared. For example, a lobster dinner might only score an "average" deliciosity, compared to something like a well-seared steak, as lobster has a longer preperation time. However, something like a pizza pocket has relatively little "deliciousness", but rates high in terms of cooking time. I should really come up with a decent mathematical equation based upon a statistical analysis of the most common meals and their cooking times. Maybe I'll make a table...

Our apartment has also come up with a rating system for belching so that we can truly apreciate and hone our talents. We dole out up to 2 points for each of the following, with bonus points given for exceptional talent:
  • Length (time)
  • Volume (decibels)
  • Style (altering pitch and tone and general "body")
  • Timing (appropriatness - belching after chugging is lame. Belching when hitting on a member of the opposite sex is scored highest.)
So far, I'm averaging a decent 4-5 score, but I haven't been concentrating. I think I need more zen in my burping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the deliciousity scale; I feel compelled to point out two potential flaws:

1) tastiness is a completely subjective experience, so any scale devised could apply only to those who share the same taste ranking. (I happen to like pizza pockets).

2) deliciousity holds no value in a restaurant, where food prep requires no effort. In this situation, a different scale based on cost would be more appropriate.

Looking forward to the table, if it hasn't already been made. Sorry I'm 4 years late to the party.